High school resources

Teradata University for Academics


Learn from the pros
It’s never too early to introduce analytics. That’s why Teradata University for Academics supports high school students in big data clubs by helping them learn Teradata best practices.

Learn big data analytics on your own

Use the following resources to learn the basics of big data analytics. 

Getting started with Tableau

Learn more

Download Tableau

PC or Mac

Download now

Video: Learn Tableau

Watch now

Download Microsoft Power BI

Desktop version

Download now

Video: Learn Power BI

Watch now

Download Microsoft Access

PC only

Download now

Download R (free version)

Windows or Mac OS X

Download now

Download R Studio (free version)

Download now

Learn R and R Studio

Watch now

Download Python

3.6.4 or greater required

Download now

Download SAP Predictive Analytics

Free 30-day trial

Download now

How-To: Start a club

Learn how you can start a high school big data analytics club.

Download tutorial

Template: Club outreach

Download our customizable email template to help your team with student outreach. 

Download the templates

Scrapbook: Concord Academy

Interested to see what a Big Data Analytics Club does? Concord Academy gives you a glimpse into their club activities. 

View the scrapbook

Testimonials: Concord Academy

Read the student testimonials and reflections from Concord Academy's Big Data Analytics Club.

See the stories

  • How-To: Start a club
  • Template: Club outreach
  • Scrapbook: Concord Academy
  • Testimonials: Concord Academy

Frequently asked questions



Have more questions? We have answers.

Contact us