1.4 Contact Us
Except regarding EEA and California contacts and requests (see below), all countries’ contacts and requests regarding your PII, data privacy at Teradata and Teradata compliance with the principles of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework or the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework may be directed to the Teradata Ethics, Compliance & Privacy Office:
by e-mail at: Ethics&ComplianceOffice.TD@teradata.com
or by mail at:
Ethics, Compliance & Privacy Office – Law Department
Attn: Chief Ethics, Compliance and Privacy Officer
Teradata Corporation
17095 Via del Campo
San Diego, California, USA 92127
If you are a resident of California, USA, please contact us at privacy.ca@teradata.com. Please use this email to make requests related to The Californian Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”). You may also leave a voice message via our toll-free telephone number 855-729-4835 and we will contact you to action your request. You are kindly encouraged to make use of email rather than the toll-free telephone number to make such requests. We will fulfil your request in accordance with, and to the extent of, our obligations under the CCPA. Please use these contact details if you have a disability and require this Privacy Policy in an alternative format and we will do our best to help. Designated agents should also use these contact details.
Questions from EEA persons related to the processing of their PII and the exercise of their rights under EEA data protection laws should be sent by email to Teradata’s EEA Data Protection Officer at: DPO.EEA@teradata.com or by mail to: The Data Protection Officer, Teradata GmbH, Nymphenburger Hoefe NYII, Dachauer Strasse 63, Munich 80335, Germany.
PDP-related issues that are specific to Information Technology (“IT”) Security may be directed to our global Information Security Office:
by e-mail at: information.security@teradata.com
or by mail at:
Information Security Office
Attn: Chief Security Officer
Teradata Corporation
17095 Via del Campo
San Diego, California, USA 92127
online at: tdhelp.alertline.com
or by telephone at: 1-866-455-0993.