Teradata Vantage on AWS


Power and Control

Vantage on AWS on a do-it-yourself basis gives users who want to work independently the power and control they seek.

Pay only for what’s provisioned, eliminating large capital outlays and removing risk. Subscriptions include Teradata Vantage software. Customers select and pay for AWS infrastructure separately; on-demand, reserved, and dedicated EC2 instances may all be used.

Teradata Vantage on AWS (DIY) – Blended Pricing (U.S.)

Engine Instance Hourly ($ USD) Hourly ($ USD) Hourly ($ USD)
Advanced SQL Engine m5.4xl $1.68 $3.35 $4.47
m5.12xl $4.25 $8.51 $11.34
m5.24xl $8.51 $17.03 $22.70
  • $ USD hourly prices are effective rates for comparison purposes based on 3-year subscription and do not include compute and storage charges.
  • Developer tier (FREE) software is available with the d2.xl EC2 instance.
  • Not every EC2 type is available in every region; consult the AWS website for current availability and pricing information.
  • Generally Available AWS regions include N. Virginia, Ohio, N. California, Oregon, GovCloud West, Canada, Sao Paulo, Frankfurt, Ireland, London, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, and Mumbai.
  • AWS regions with Limited Availability include Paris, Stockholm, Milan, Bahrain, and GovCloud West.
Vantage Software Tiers Vantage software on AWS Marketplace is available in Developer, Base, Advanced, and Enterprise tiers; each entitles subscribers to certain features and ecosystem software. All four tiers include Teradata Vantage with Row-Level Security, Secure Zones, and Teradata Columnar plus the ecosystem capabilities of Teradata Data Stream Controller, Teradata Ecosystem Manager, Teradata Query Service, Teradata Server Management, Teradata Tools and Utilities, and Teradata Viewpoint.

Included Ecosystem Software

Optional Ecosystem Software

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Frequently Asked Questions (DIY)

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