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Wednesday, March 24, 2021
10-11am SGT

Being best-in-class is not enough. Organizations that want to become an enterprise of the future must unlock unlimited business value by turning data into their greatest asset, and they need a modern cloud platform that makes it possible.

Join us for this one-hour interactive webinar featuring Rafael Cavalcanti, Chief Analytics Officer at Banco Bradesco, and Donald Feinberg, Vice President and Distinguished Analyst at Gartner. They will explain how world-class companies rely on data analytics orchestration and a cloud data analytics platform to drive their digital transformation and become future-ready.

You’ll learn:

  • Where Banco Bradesco is in their digital data journey, including factors and forces driving their transformation.
  • How Banco Bradesco personalizes offers to deliver business value.
  • How Banco Bradesco is evolving their data analytics and AI strategy to prepare for the future.
  • The latest research and insights from Gartner on the future of data and analytics.
  • How Teradata is building the future of customers' businesses through our cloud data analytics platform built for a hybrid multi-cloud reality.


Rafael Cavalcanti, Chief Analytics Officer, BANCO BRADESCO
Rafael Cavalcanti, Chief Analytics Officer, Banco BradescoRafael Cavalcanti is the Chief Analytics Officer at Banco Bradesco where he leads over 120 data scientists and engineers on projects across multiple business units and functions. By mobilizing the organization towards a data driven mindset, his work has generated value through efficiency gains and cutting-edge customer experience, resulting in substantial P&L improvements for the bank. Rafael is a board member of MIT’s Center for Information Systems Research.

Donald Feinberg, Vice President & Distinguished Analyst, GARTNER
Donald Feinberg, Vice President and Distinguished Analyst, Gartner ITL Data and Analytics groupDonald Feinberg is a Vice President and Distinguished Analyst in the Gartner ITL Data and Analytics group. Mr. Feinberg is responsible for Gartner's research on database management systems and data warehousing infrastructure and big data.

Before his current role, Mr. Feinberg held various management jobs within Gartner, most recently VP and General Manager of Latin American operations. He began his career at Gartner in the Software Management Strategies group responsible for DBMS software and vendors. Prior to joining Gartner, he worked at Oracle, where he started as manager of customer education and after Director of Technical Marketing for the company's IBM mainframe database business.

Martyn Etherington, Chief Marketing Officer, TERADATA
Martyn Etherington, Chief Marketing Officer, TeradataMartyn Etherington is Chief Marketing Officer for Teradata, and a member of the Executive Leadership Team. Responsible for all aspects of Teradata’s corporate marketing strategy globally, as well as brand and digital programs, Martyn focuses on the creation, delivery, and follow-through of the company’s strategic marketing goals, strengthening its brand and enriching its customers’ experiences.

Martyn has a distinguished track record of driving top-line results, growing market share, improving customer experience, and enhancing brands.