Premier Capabilities on a
Modern Cloud Data Analytics Platform

Cloud-only doesn’t cut it.

To stay competitive, many enterprises are modernizing their data analytics environments. The cloud delivers real benefits—more flexibility and agility, and quite often lower total cost of ownership. But simply moving to the cloud can sacrifice some premier capabilities they’ll need now—and in the long-term.


We've compiled a number of #MythBusters resources to help you better understand what modern cloud analytics mean, while determining which platform has the key capabilities essential for your success.

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6 capabilities you need for a modern cloud analytics platform

Built for a hybrid multi-cloud world

Built for a Hybrid
Multi-Cloud World

Flexibility and portability facilitate deployment anywhere, including public clouds (AWS, Azure, GCP) and on-premises, while avoiding lock-in to any single cloud or architectural choice.

Separation of compute and storage with elastic scaling

Separation of Compute and
Storage with Elastic Scaling

This modern capability cost-effectively supports the demands of both data and users without excess, unused capacity, while enabling self-service scale/up/down/in/out and start/stop without IT intervention.

Integration with first-party cloud services

Integration with First
Party Cloud Services

The ability to natively integrate with cloud  services accelerates solution deployment. A modern platform integrates with services across Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and/or Google.

Ingestion of modern data sources

Ingestion of Modern
Data Sources

Data types and data sources are multiplying—clickstreams, social media feeds, digital twins, and IoT—based sensor data. Harnessing all this information for a complete picture of the business is now table stakes.

Integrated data management and scalable analytics

Integrated Data Management
and Scalable Analytics

Unifying analytics and data management enables data exploration, modeling, and scoring at scale in a single, easy-to-use environment. It also offers the critical flexibility to implement complex algorithms with languages you already use.

Dynamic resource allocation and workload management

Dynamic Resource Allocation
and Workload Management

Demand on resources is dynamic and changes happen at the speed of thought. A modern platform must optimize those resources and workloads aligned to business priorities with ‘set-it-and-forget it’ controls.

Legacy is not a 4-letter word. But “BEST” is.

Some cloud startups will tell you that age does not equal wisdom. But against Teradata’s history of innovation, everything else seems like child’s play.

Brinker's journey back to Teradata

Find out how Brinker International and McKnight Consulting view today's analytics as they set the record straight on Teradata's myths and realities. View the on-demand webinar today! 

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Dispelling the myths and reflecting reality

Get the facts

It’s not just about simplicity.
It’s about sophistication.

Selecting the right modern platform for business doesn’t have to be daunting. Our experts and leading analysts weigh in.

You don’t have to choose between data lakes and data performance.

See exactly how you can integrate, access and analyze all your data within one modern analytics ecosystem.

Analyze data in one modern analytics ecosystem
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You really can have it all.

Video of a Vantage expert demonstrating the technical functions of a modern cloud analytics platform
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See modern in action.

Teradata Vantage: experience the cloud data analytics platform in action.

Don’t take our word for it.

Hear our customers’ firsthand experiences-and results-working within a modern cloud analytics platform.

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Optimize value with a cloud-based architecture.

When it comes to enterprise analytics in the cloud, Vantage is incomparable. When combined with the global footprint of cloud providers, customers scale as needed and integrate seamlessly with first party cloud services to accelerate a data-related, analytical ecosystem.

Vantage on AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Vantage on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Take advantage of as much cloud-native functionality as possible while tapping into new sources of innovation across all aspects of the analytic process from start to finish.
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Vantage on Microsoft Azure
Vantage on Microsoft Azure Vantage transforms data into game-changing insights with Azure first party services integration.
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Whitepaper about the benefits of cloud-based architecture for data analytics
Cloud-Based Architecture for Data and Analytics: Preventing Silos and Maximizing Value Ventana Research says most organizations will adopt a hybrid on-premises and cloud infrastructure—not cloud-only.
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See how Vantage is everyone’s type

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Cloud-only doesn’t add up.

When it comes to selecting an analytics platform, you need one that will support and evolve with your organization’s needs today—and tomorrow.

What do you want your analytics platform to do? Cloud-Only
Data Warehouse
Teradata Vantage
Enable choice of clouds    
Pay only for what you need    
Provide predictable pricing    
Enable hybrid deployments (on-premises to cloud)    
Enable analysis of space and time (4D Analytics)    
Meet SLAs for multiple apps (Workload Management)    
Optimize performance with software, not just hardware    
Pinpoint access and retrieval in real-time    
Integrated, advanced analytics (AI/ML)    
Have the lowest cost per query at scale    
Ranked #1 consistently by industry analysts    

Enable choice of clouds

Cloud-only: Choice of only AWS, Azure and GCP
Vantage: Choice of AWS, Azure and GCP, private cloud

Pay only for what you need

Cloud-only: Only pay-as-you-go pricing model good for sporadic workloads
Vantage: Pay-as-you-go and flexible offerings for blended pricing

Provide predictable pricing

Cloud-only: Unpredictable pay-as-you-go pricing only
Vantage: Blended price models so you only pay for what you need

Enable hybrid deployments (on-premises to cloud)

Cloud-only: Cannot support hybrid, requires cloud resources to work
Vantage: Delivers on-premises and cloud, working in combination with same software

Enable analysis of space and time (4D Analytics)

Cloud-only: Data management only; no advanced functions for space and time
Vantage: Built in 4D analytics (geospatial, temporal and time series)

Meet SLAs for multiple apps (Workload Management)

Cloud-only: No workload management; relies on limited ability of elastic compute
Vantage: Dynamic resource allocation to manage all SLAs with software

Optimize performance with software, not just hardware

Cloud-only: Brute-force scale only with expensive hardware resources
Vantage: Superior performance with advanced indexing techniques

Pinpoint access and retrieval in real-time

Cloud-only: Not designed for tactical queries
Vantage: Built-in tactical query performance for real-time operational queries

Integrated, advanced analytics (AI/ML)

Cloud-only: Requires third-party partner engine for support
Vantage: Integrated ML and AI at scale

Have the lowest cost per query at scale

Cloud-only: Price per query is 5X-10X more than Teradata
Vantage: Software optimization delivers the lowest cost per query at scale

Ranked #1 consistently by industry analysts

Cloud-only: Ranked between 10-12 on different use cases
Vantage: #1 for Gartner ALL 4 use cases Critical Capability Report, and #1 for Forrester Overall Product
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