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Teradata on Azure: Available Now!

Teradata on Azure: Available Now!

Good news! Teradata Database, the market’s leading data warehousing and analytic solution, is now available for deployment on Microsoft Azure via the Azure Marketplace.

As previously announced, Teradata Database on Azure is offered on a variety of multi-terabyte Virtual Machines (VMs) in supported Azure regions. We’ve been working very hard across the company to make this launch a reality – and it’s rewarding to be part of an exciting new chapter in our hybrid cloud evolution.

To be clear, there is a strong shift toward the adoption of hybrid cloud, which more than 90 percent of Teradata customers surveyed in 2016 plan to employ by 2020. By blending on-premises and cloud-based deployment in a hybrid and cohesive environment, customers can focus on what matters to them: creating business value.

I believe Teradata software on Azure is significant because it represents yet another new hybrid cloud deployment option for Teradata Database, which has long been the industry’s most respected engine for production analytics.

Indeed, Gartner’s most recent Magic Quadrant for Data Management Solutions for Analytics shows Teradata as a Leader and the one vendor with the highest position for Completeness of Vision.

Furthermore, as highlighted in Gartner’s Critical Capabilities for Data Management Solutions for Analytics, “Teradata received the top score in all four of our defined use cases, demonstrating a mature product with market-leading depth and breadth of functionality.”

This is a big deal and one of many recent accolades that highlight the fact that here is simply no substitute for the wisdom and insight gained through experience.

By incorporating Azure as a strategic public cloud deployment option for Teradata Database, we make it easier for companies of all sizes to become data-driven with best-in-class data warehousing and analytics. Subscribers can be up and running with an entire Teradata ecosystem in about an hour.

It’s interesting: in many ways, Teradata Database on Azure is both similar to, and different from, what we currently offer via other deployment modes.


  • Same Teradata Database software as available in our on-premises solutions
  • Same Teradata Consulting and Management Services as available across all Teradata offerings
  • Same Teradata ecosystem software capabilities as available elsewhere in other Teradata deployment options


  • Initial lower node count limit than what currently exists in other deployment options – but the ceiling will be elevated in coming quarters
  • Initial hourly pay-as-you-go pricing without an annual subscription option – but this will be addressed with BYOL (Bring Your Own License) in coming quarters
  • Initial narrow set of Virtual Machines (VMs) available for deployment – but this will be expanded in coming quarters

Many companies – especially in retail – have already invested in, and aligned themselves with, Microsoft software and Azure cloud services. In my opinion, consuming best-in-class Teradata software in that same trusted Azure environment is a true no-brainer.

Any organization of any size can use and benefit because the offer combines the power of Teradata with the convenience and performance of Azure. New-to-Teradata customers will find it just as compelling as existing Teradata customers.

I’ll summarize: Teradata Database on Azure is available NOW for global deployment via the Azure Marketplace. See for yourself. I think it’s great, and I hope you do too.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions about our latest cloud innovations.

Portrait of Brian Wood

Brian Wood

Brian Wood is director of cloud marketing at Teradata. He has over 15 years' experience leading all areas of technology marketing in cloud, wireless, IT, software, and data analytics. He earned an MS in Engineering Management from Stanford, a BS in Electrical Engineering from Cornell, and served as an F-14 Radar Intercept Officer in the US Navy.
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