Imagine you have just been promoted and you are now responsible for delivering data and analytic solutions across your company. Further imagine these challenges as you step into this new job:
- The business is frustrated that it takes so long to deliver solutions.
- There is a proliferation of redundant and overlapping data resources, and the projects currently underway are only going to make this problem worse.
- There is a lack of clarity on who is responsible for which aspects of data and analytics.
- The latest analytical techniques are only applied in isolated pockets and are not exploited widely.
- Attempts to deploy data coherently, as a shared enterprise resource, have struggled to deliver business results.
- It’s difficult to find the skills and experience needed to develop and support the solutions.
Maybe you don’t have to imagine.
You want to address these problems, but how? There are so many questions:
- How do you deliver solutions quickly while building to a coherent, shared resource at the same time? Is it possible?
- How do you organize the teams and the work to deliver results efficiently, using the latest agile techniques? Do agile principles even apply to data and analytics?
- How do you decide which technologies to use for which purpose? What works in real life?
- What about data governance? How do you make sure the data is ready to meet business needs while preventing data governance from wandering aimlessly in Theory Land?
- How do you accelerate development, leveraging work that has already been done by others?
Teradata’s Agile Analytics Factory service was designed to help you answer these questions and more. The Agile Analytics Factory is an end-to-end, ongoing partnership to plan, develop, deliver, and support enterprise data and analytics. The factory includes components built and refined over decades in partnership with top companies in every major industry. The components include:
- Methods, such as roadmap development, agile solution development and sustainment, and business analytic processes.
- Accelerators, including proven business use cases and industry data models.
- Experience in all business and technical aspects of data and analytics.
- Technology leveraging a combination of proprietary and open-source systems, working together to exploit the best capabilities of each.
- Best practices, such as architecture and design guidance for common situations.
- Relationships with third-party technology providers, including cooperative engineering optimization, to establish a comprehensive ecosystem.
Now imagine focusing your energy and creativity to support your company’s business strategy, armed with knowledge about analytic capabilities from basic, to advanced, to groundbreaking, without worrying about the mechanics of the program and every detail of the analytic ecosystem. The Teradata Agile Analytics Factory will provide everything you need to take in business needs — the raw material — and systematically transform them into insights, innovation and business outcomes.
Kevin M Lewis is a Director of Data and Architecture Strategy with Teradata Corporation. Kevin shares best practices across all major industries, helping clients transform and modernize data and analytics programs including organization, process, and architecture. The practice advocates strategies that deliver value quickly while simultaneously contributing to a coherent ecosystem with every project.
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